Vision For Our DeKalb!

What Is the DeKalb County Commission?

The DeKalb County Commission is a group of local elected leaders who make important decisions that affect the community. Commission districts each represent different areas of the county and work on everyday issues like safety, housing, transportation, and parks. Your DeKalb County Commissioner helps decide how money is spent and how services like road repairs or park maintenance are handled. 

You might come to your commissioner about a variety of local issues, such as

Your commissioner is there to listen and help find solutions to improve the community.

  • A need for better public transportation options in your neighborhood.


  • Concerns about rising rent and the availability of affordable housing.


  • Road repairs or fixing potholes in your area.


  • Requests for more parks, playgrounds, or community centers.


  • Questions about public safety and how crime is being addressed in your community.


  • Issues with trash collection or other local services.


  • Ideas for improving local schools or libraries.


  • Concerns about new developments or zoning changes in your neighborhood.

Your commissioner is there to listen and help find solutions to improve the community.

First 90 Days - Engagement with the Community

I’m ready to hit the ground running on day one, and as the next Commissioner for District 3, my team will make the transition seamless.


We will launch a cell phone and email communication platform that will allow any constituent to text or email my office directly about any issue. This system will also allow us to delegate the issue and expedite getting it fixed!


My office will hold quarterly town hall meetings with all the essential DeKalb County Department Heads (sanitation, code compliance, public safety, planning and development, parks & rec, etc) to ensure constituents’ issues are received and addressed in real-time.


We will launch a cell phone and email communication platform that will allow any constituent to text or email my office directly about any issue. This system will also allow us to delegate the issue and expedite getting it fixed!


We will form a community transition task force to look at the big-picture issues for our district as they relate to code compliance, public safety, addressing blight, and revitalization of our communities. Residents deserve more seats at the table, and I’m focused on growing that table so more of our neighbors can participate in writing the next chapter for our district.

DeKalb Rising: Building Homes, Not Walls, for Our Community

Join me in building a DeKalb where affordability isn’t a dream, it’s the foundation of a thriving community. Let’s rise together, brick by brick, home by home, and create a DeKalb where everyone can flourish.

We need to ensure that District 3 remains a place where families, seniors, and long-time residents can thrive, not just survive. As our community grows, new development is pushing closer to our established neighborhoods. Instead of allowing cookie-cutter developments to change the character of our communities, I’ll fight for policies that prioritize sustainable, attainable housing. We must protect what makes our neighborhoods unique while embracing revitalization that benefits everyone.

A key focus will be on supporting our seniors, many of whom are struggling to keep up with rising housing costs. I’ll advocate for expanded tax exemptions and reinvestment strategies that allow seniors to downsize within their communities, ensuring they can age in place with dignity and security.

DeKalb Rising: Building a Community Where Opportunity Thrives

Remember, a strong DeKalb isn’t a coincidence, it’s a choice. Let’s choose growth, let’s choose vibrancy, let’s choose a DeKalb that soars.

District 3 deserves vibrant business corridors, thriving shopping centers, and good-paying jobs. By working closely with Decide DeKalb and tapping into state and federal resources, we’ll bring much-needed revitalization to blighted areas like the Gallery at South DeKalb Mall. Together, we can turn vacant shopping centers and abandoned land into bustling hubs for local businesses, restaurants, and job opportunities.

This is about more than just economic growth—it’s about creating an inclusive, sustainable future where our community flourishes. We will invest in smart, equitable development that includes affordable housing and improved transit connections, ensuring our district grows without leaving anyone behind.

DeKalb on Solid Ground: Rebuilding our Foundation.

Join me in putting DeKalb back on solid ground, mile by mile, bridge by bridge, pipe by pipe. Let’s build a DeKalb where infrastructure isn’t an afterthought, but a cornerstone of our community’s well-being and prosperity.

District 3’s residents pay millions in taxes, and it’s time we see that investment reflected in our neighborhoods. I’ll make sure we get our fair share of funding from SPLOST 1 & 2 to address long-standing issues like bridge repairs, speeding, truck traffic, and flooding, especially in areas like Cedar Grove and Conley Rd.

We cannot accept the status quo of neglect and underinvestment in our infrastructure. As your Commissioner, I’ll fight for a District 3 that’s safe, accessible, and fully supported by the county.

DeKalb on the Move: Paving the Way for a Connected Future

Join me in putting DeKalb in motion, mile by mile, lane by lane, pedal stroke by pedal stroke. Let’s build a DeKalb where everyone can navigate their future with confidence, where every path leads to a brighter destination.

Our transportation system in District 3 is outdated and underfunded, but that stops now. I will work tirelessly to ensure our roads get resurfaced, sidewalks are connected, and transit expansion becomes a reality. We need a rapid transit corridor from South DeKalb to Central DeKalb and beyond, and I will fight to secure the funding to make that happen.

As we improve transit options for all residents, we must also prioritize our seniors and residents with disabilities who depend on services like MARTA Mobility. No one should have to wait hours for a ride to the grocery store or doctor’s office. I’ll push for enhanced transportation services so that every resident can access the essential services they need.

Building Strong Foundations: Zoning for Safety and Development in DeKalb

Join me in raising the standard for DeKalb, brick by brick, regulation by regulation, patrol by patrol. Let’s create a community where everyone feels protected, respected, and part of something bigger.

We take pride in our neighborhoods, and that pride should be reflected in every corner of District 3. Too often, the worst violators—illegal dumping, abandoned properties, and truck traffic in residential areas—are allowed to go unchecked. We need stronger enforcement to tackle these issues head-on and ensure all of our neighborhoods are clean, safe, and livable.

Public safety is a top priority. The violence and criminal activity in certain areas, particularly around gas stations, extended-stay hotels, and apartment complexes, cannot continue. I’ll work to deploy our public safety resources where they are needed most and push for community policing programs that stay engaged long-term, especially in high-crime areas. It’s time to make our streets safer for everyone, especially our most vulnerable neighbors—seniors and young people.

Environmental Reform & Sustainability

DeKalb County supports legislative efforts that provide safe and clean environments for its residents, including initiatives that reduce the risk of poor health outcomes of residents and risks of deterioration to the local natural


One important reform I would like to propose is to create a dedicated Office of Commissioner Counsel. This would address the issue of DeKalb County commissioners lacking their own dedicated legal counsel. I believe establishing an Office of Commissioner Counsel would be beneficial to both the commissioners and their constituents. This independent office would be staffed with an experienced attorney who would provide legal advice and representation to the commissioners.

The success of a Dedicated Office of Commissioner Counsel can be measured by several key indicators including but not limited to, increased commissioner effectiveness and efficiency with a reduction in the time it takes commissioners to make decisions and implement policies; improved relationships with other county departments; and increased public confidences measured through constituent satisfaction assessments. A reduction of the number and severity of legal disputes involving commissioners would also suggest that the office is effectively preventing conflicts and providing sound legal advice. Lastly, the success of dedicated legal representation for the Board of Commissioners could be measured by the satisfaction of the commissioners themselves. Our commissioners should be surveyed to gauge their satisfaction with the services provided by the Dedicated Office of Commissioner Counsel.

By creating a dedicated Office of Commissioner Counsel, DeKalb County would ensure that commissioners have access to independent legal advice and representation, strengthening their ability to effectively fulfill their roles in county government. This would help to prevent conflicts with other branches of government and promote transparency and accountability.

Key responsibilities of the Office of Commissioner Counsel would include:

  • Providing individualized legal advice: The attorney(s) would offer tailored guidance to commissioners on a wide range of legal matters related to their official duties. This is important as commissioners must vote on several issues that involve complex legal, real estate, and contract matters.


  • Representing commissioners in legal proceedings: If necessary, the office would represent commissioners in legal actions ensuring their interests are protected. This is especially important when the DeKalb County Board of Commissioners is a party to suits where one or more branches of DeKalb County government are also named.


  • Serving as a liaison with the County Attorney’s Office: The office would facilitate communication and collaboration between commissioners and the DeKalb County Attorney’s Office, promoting a more harmonious working relationship. This is key since it has been established in previous litigation that the CEO in its executive branch of government is the primary client of the DeKalb County Attorney’s Office, and not the Board of Commissioners.


  • Conducting legal research and analysis: The attorney(s) would research and analyze legal issues relevant to the commissioners’ work, providing them with informed and comprehensive advice. Having an attorney to provide legal advice would further explain complex legal matters aiding in the commissioner’s ability to make more informed decisions on behalf of their constituents.


  • Ensuring compliance with legal requirements: The office would help commissioners understand and comply with all applicable laws and regulations. Having dedicated counsel for our commissioners also relieves some of the burden on the DeKalb County Attorney’s Office as it presently stands. There are several deadlines, regulatory considerations, as well as potential conflicts where the general representation and fiduciary duties of the commissioners are to the constituents we serve and should be the dedicated priority of counsel.

Environmental Reform & Sustainability

Join me in building a DeKalb where affordability isn’t a dream, it’s the foundation of a thriving community. Let’s rise together, brick by brick, home by home, and create a DeKalb where everyone can flourish.

DeKalb County’s “Animal Justice System” is in a state of crisis and in evident need of reform. DeKalb County’s current animal justice system is failing to protect the welfare of animals and is imposing a significant financial burden on taxpayers. The county’s practice of holding dogs for an average of 329 days for court-related matters is not only inhumane but also costs millions of dollars in care. This excessive detention period often leads to unnecessary animal suffering and in some cases, euthanasia even though the county’s shelter is designated as a no-kill shelter.

By implementing these reforms, DeKalb County can significantly improve the welfare of animals, reduce the financial burden on taxpayers, and ensure a more just and efficient animal justice system.

To address these critical issues, the county must implement a comprehensive reform of its animal justice system. This reform should include:

  • Reducing the length of stay for court-held animals: Where warranted, the county should expedite the legal process to minimize the time animals spend in shelters.

  • Establishing a due process framework for owners: Animals should be treated as more than mere property. Owners should have clear rights and responsibilities, including the option and even be encouraged to surrender their animals within specified timelines.

  • Limiting continuances and the use of animals as legal evidence: To expedite cases, the county should place restrictions on continuances and minimize the practice of treating animals as evidence requiring prolonged detention.

  • Developing best practices for hearings, animal courts, and judicial training: The county should establish standardized procedures for animal-related hearings, consider implementing specialized animal courts or at least court days and judiciary, and provide comprehensive training to judges, court staff, prosecutors, and advocates.
  • Incorporating national programs and best practices: DeKalb County should explore and adopt proven strategies from other jurisdictions and national organizations to improve its animal justice system.

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